Submitted by:
Eve H. Honeycutt Extension Livestock Agent
Lenoir and Greene Counties
Another pest to be on the lookout for is the
Armyworm. They are most active during late
summer and early fall. They can devour a
field of forage overnight (or during the day).
Keep your eyes out for:
- Fall armyworms laying on the ground surface on the hayfield -- they like to "rest" here.
- Stripping of leaves and eventually stems
- Increase in birds in the field may be an indication of armyworms
Here is a picture of a fall armyworm:
Worms can range a little in color (young versus adults)--some may
look more brown.
They especially like bermudagrass but they
are not picky when the pickings are slim -- they will eat fescue, soybeans, and
small grains too, as well as other plants. They may be repeat offenders -- you
may see them now and again before the end of the season. There are a number of
labeled products but here is a list for your convenience on
bermudagrass/rye/pasture/hay (some are restricted use). Read and follow labels
carefully and follow precautions and restrictions:
- Diflubenzuron (Dimilin 2L)
- Methomyl (Lannate)
- Chlorantraniliprole (Rynaxypyr R) (Prevathon)
- Spinosad (Tracer, Entrust)
- Zeta-permethrin (Mustang Max)
- Carbaryl (Sevin)
Control them when you see them and tell your
neighbor. Chances are they are eyeing
his fields for the next meal.