A New Product for Weed Control in Bermudagrass!
Eve H. Honeycutt
Livestock Agent, Lenoir & Greene Counties
There is great news this spring for bermudagrass pastures. Prowl H20 (pendimethalin) is now labeled for established bermudagrass pastures and hay fields for pre-emergent control of annual grasses.
This product has been in the works for many years. This application will provide excellent control of crabgrass and goosegrass and fair to good control of sandbur. If applied correctly, this treatment will provide season-long control of crabgrass and goosegrass, even with heavy populations. As you know, there are no registered or effective post-emergent
options for both of these grasses. But this treatment will prevent the need for
any post-emergent treatment for crabgrass and goosegrass.
There are two main points that need to be stressed to obtain season-long control. They are:
1. Prowl H20 needs to be applied at 3 lbs. active ingredient/acre and activated by water (rainfall or irrigation).
2. Prowl H20 needs to be applied by early March at the latest.
Crabgrass germinates when soil temperatures average about 55 degrees. This typically occurs by mid-March in sandy soil, particularly east off Raleigh. Also, the label states that it needs to be applied to dormant Bermuda.
A few other key points from the label:
· Apply only to established Bermuda (planted in the fall or spring and gone through first mowing/cutting) when in winter dormancy;
Rate range: 1.1 to 4.2 qt /A per season;

· Dense grass infestations; Apply at least 3 lb ai/A(3.2 qt/A)
· Split application timings: ½ rate at onset of dormancy followed by ½ rate prior to spring greenup.
Do not apply in standing water
Do not exceed 4.2 qt/A/year
60 day hay restriction
45 day forage harvest or grazing restriction
*Always read and follow label directions.
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